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Green Energy Loans from NZ’s Major Banks

Realise your solar dream.

All of New Zealand’s major banks, including Westpac, ANZ, BNZ, Kiwibank and ASB, now offer green energy finance options in the form of home loan top-ups, designed to support installation of solar panel systems.

These top-ups can be highly attractive, with some offering interest-free (or very low interest) periods of up to five years.

About green energy loans

Next Steps

If you’re considering investing in solar energy for your home, exploring these finance options could be a smart move. Not only do they make the transition to renewable energy more affordable, but they also align your financial choices with sustainable practices, helping you save on energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

Learn more about green energy loans in our blog, or talk to us now about the best and most affordable way for your to get your solar PV system and start saving money!