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$500 For Your School When You Install Solar

If you have been following CPS Solar recently you will have noticed that we’ve been busy with several school solar projects, including a substantial solar installation at Bluestone School, Timaru, a 42 panel system installed at Lyttelton Primary School  and soon to come, a 25kw solar system and 2kw wind turbine at Cashmere High School. We are encouraging families of these schools to install their own solar energy systems with a special offer. These solar projects include large retail and commercial warehouses, schools and retirement homes.

Recent School Solar Installs in Timaru and Lyttelton

These school projects are aimed at saving the schools substantial energy costs, with the added benefit of being an educational tool for students, helping them appreciate the many advantages of renewable energy.

Lyttelton primary school
  • Special Solar Offer from CPS Solar

In recognition of our commitment to solar schools and to promote renewable energy across our communities, we would like to offer families the opportunity to save thousand of dollars on their power bills. We are making a special offer to families with children at Bluestone School, Lyttelton Primary School or Cashmere High School:

“CPS Solar will donate $500 to Bluestone School, Lyttelton Primary School or Cashmere High School, when a family from any of these schools installs a solar system with us.”


Get A Quote 

Please contact CPS Solar for more details or to request a quote.

Terms & Conditions:

  • This offer applies to direct families (parents and care-givers of childeren) at the schools listed.
  • CPS Solar may require proof of your child’s enrollment at the schools listed.
  • This offer only applies to quotation requests received from 13 May 2016.
  • Your request for a quote must state that you wish to take advantage of the Schools Solar Offer.
  • The school donation will be made when full payment has been received.
  • This is a limited time offer and CPS Solar reserves the right to discontinue the offer without notice.

Read more about Solar in Schools

Substantial Solar Installation at Bluestone School, Timaru

Lyttelton School Reuses Solar Panels on New Building

Positive Results from First Year of Solar Schools Project

More Information

Not sure which system is best for you? Get in touch for more information about any of the above products or for a no-obligation quote.